By wow - 15/04/2013 18:36 - Russian Federation - Saint Petersburg

Today, my husband of 6 years said in a grave voice that he had some important news for me. Jokingly, I said, "Why, did you get that cute colleague of yours pregnant?" He did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 946
You deserved it 6 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is there any one left out there who isn't a scum bag? What ever happened to having values?


I'm sorry that happened to you, but how the fxck did you guess something like that?

Well isn't that ironic. Certainly sucks though.

I agree, I hope you mean EX-husband now! Feeling for you, OP :(

1crabbygirl 10

Gosh I've been there. Be strong, Lady.

Twisted_Angel 17

Shit op... that's horrible. pack his Shit and tell him to go live with her.

Yeah, punishment for adultery... Generally when you get a divorce due to the other partner cheating you can take EVERYTHING. I'd call that punishment enough.

skyeyez9 24

If you decided to stay married scenario: He begs you to forgive him and plead he will never do it again. Meanwhile, he will probably have visitation with the kid once its born and bring him/her over to your house and expect you to help feed, change diapers, and pretend everything is ok. And he will have contact with the other woman. Scenario 2: you get rid of the douchebag and not have to deal with a cheating husband, and his bastard child. Cause you know he will get all huffy when you resent the kid, and watch him interact with him/her. And expect you to not harbor any hurt feelings...and move on. And imagine all of that....if the child resembles the other woman. Imo, its easier to leave than to stay and watch him still interact with the other woman because they now have a child together. Because will you honestly be able to be happy with a cheating husband, his child he had with some *****? And Be able to keep a strong face while he brings the kid to your house?

#93 - If your ex-husband was abusive and an adulterer, it doesn't sound very emotionally healthy on your part to leave him for another guy. You should've left him for your own good, in my opinion. Also, might've been a good option to stay single for a while afterwards. Just my thought.

117, Not in "no fault" states, like Florida. My ex husband's abuse couldn't even be held against him in divorce court. And when it comes to finding someone new when you're in a bad relationship, it's not so much about punishment as it is a disregard for the person who abused you, and the result of unfulfilled needs. I think that if you treat your significant other like shit, you can't expect them to be dutiful.