By Wellthissucks - 06/11/2017 15:26

Today, I found out that my long-distance boyfriend just got married because his "real" girlfriend is pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 230
You deserved it 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You dodged a bullet, big time. Especially someone who jumps and marries instantly when their so is pregnant. I hope you can also let the other woman know how scummy your ex is. I'd really hope someone would tell me if they knew!

TheWhiteDragon 8

Oh honey, that girl IS his real girlfriend.


TheWhiteDragon 8

Oh honey, that girl IS his real girlfriend.

exileonmainst 16

His ”real” girlfriend? Long distance? Like how long distance are we talking about exactly, across dimensions? If the sixth sense sense has taught me anything, it’s that you’ve been a ghost the whole time.

You dodged a bullet, big time. Especially someone who jumps and marries instantly when their so is pregnant. I hope you can also let the other woman know how scummy your ex is. I'd really hope someone would tell me if they knew!

Not sure why the quotation marks are around the word real. It seems you were the "real" girlfriend. Sorry though. But maybe try and avoid long distance relationships in the future. What happened to you seems to be a trend.

EmDizzle2007 28

something being tangible helps secure the idea that it's real. long distance relationship are a bunch of "if I was" and "if you were".

OP - Sorry that you were used like this. But it could be worse - You might be the one with an unexpected pregnancy... Long distance relationships only ever work if the distance is temporary, such as you were involved with each other before the move and you expect that the distance is only until you can work things out to be together again. In most cases where the relationship starts off as a long distance relationship, it usually fizzles out when the two of you actually spend significant one on one time with each other. Spare yourself the pain and frustration - You can meet and communicate initially on line but unless you actually spend time together in the same location it’s just mental masturbation.

Andi90 8

I’m so sorry. That is terrible. But at least you know now before it went any further, you really dodged a bullet. I have actually gone through something similar in the past so I sort of understand your pain/situation. You deserve so much better.

WeirdUS 29

Unfortunately this is all too common. Especially if you two have never spent time together Outside of chatting on the phone and video chat a lot people don’t consider it a real relationship Because you’ve never been on a date together or even met. Many people have a hard time being emotionally invested in the relationship they know they’re hardly ever going to see year who knows when they’re ever going to finally meet them and even if you do there’s no guarantee that you guys would get along in person

...? I know we’re talking about romantic relationships, but... People can have Penpals and friends across the world that they never actually meet for up to 40 years, and they actually have a real friendship. So...

What’s his name? Weird question but it says a lot