By sigh - 07/11/2015 05:39 - Australia - Rockdale

Today, my husband is sulking because he "can't" have sex with me. I've tried initiating things multiple times, but he keeps saying no, because I'm pregnant and he says it'd be exactly the same as having sex with his own kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 827
You deserved it 3 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Show him a high school biology book so he gets educated. Win-win.


Have your doctor talk to him. I don't think just accepting it is good because he's already being a jerk about it and if he won't have sex for the entire pregnancy you're talking close to a year with no sex when you add in the time after birth that you can't and don't feel like it. And if you want more children it will be an issue then as well

omg I had that same problem. out of the 9 months of being pregnant, I fot it....*drum roll* 1x. so while not currently, I was there with ya hun

Congratulations! You bred with an idiot.

You saying the child is an idiot. After all that's the one she "bred". I think someone else maybe the idiot.

leogachi 15

@42 The person she bred with was her husband. The person she bred was her child. Learn the difference before you call someone (who is correct, by the way ) a moron.

Jets4Life89 4

Sounds like you married an ass, not FML though because YOU said yes, noone fault but you.

So, I could be wrong. But I'm pretty sure the issue here isn't that he's "uncomfortable" with having sex with her, or that it's against his morals or anything. That's not the issue. The issue, from my reading the FML was that he's *sulking* about not being able to have sex with her, even though he's the one refusing to. If he doesn't want to have sex with her, fine. But sulking about it isn't very awesome if he's just going to turn her down.

This was also my understanding! Glad I wasn't alone in that.

ViviMage 38

Your baby cannot get pregnant, s/he likely doesn't know anything has happened. It also can relax the other. Take one for the team, dude!

It is very common for a man to worry about having sex with a pregnant woman. And a fear of hurting the child. Maybe only men with decent size dicks have this problem? I think the best way is to work it through with him. You are going to face way bigger challenges than this when the child is actually born.

If that really is a common fear among men, then that's an indication of a sad state of affairs for (supposedly) many men's knowledge of anatomy and pregnancy.

Your husband is either really into the transitive property or just really stupid.