By AR Good - 26/03/2019 11:00 - United States - Hawthorne

Today, my husband is pissed off, withholding affection, and not speaking to me. Why? I don't want to have sex with random men while he watches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 966
You deserved it 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How disrespectful! You should get to pick the guy! Make sure you belittle and humiliate your cuckold husband at every turn.

Mungolikecandy 19

Why do you want affection from some cuckold who wants to pimp you out?


How disrespectful! You should get to pick the guy! Make sure you belittle and humiliate your cuckold husband at every turn.

Mungolikecandy 19

Why do you want affection from some cuckold who wants to pimp you out?

Dodge4x4Ram 46

**** is real, I thought it was all fantasy.

childlessmother 16

Good for you! That could lead to more problems down the road

AndrewR 6

I normally don't advise divorce, but you should strongly consider it.

If you can't **** the cuck, you're shit outta luck.

Good for him! He's only negatively affecting himself - not you - with that childish behavior. If you don't already have an "adult toy buddy," get one to loudly show off in front of him.... Enjoy the quiet and also getting to decide out loud what YOU want for dinner, to gossip about/ discuss (one-sided), etc. (I LOVE tormenting my giving-me-the-silent-treatment-next-door-apt neighbor like that as we both head down the stairs. Lol!) Just send him a selfie of you & your choice from shoulders up afterwards. (It can just be a pose with a hunk that you see out in public - just BEFORE you both "supposedly" hit that proverbial motel room.)

Traveling_Book 9

Or, and I know this is a crazy thought, sit down and tell the husband that they aren’t into that and try to find a solution like adults? Childishness and petty behavior only causes more problems.

Usually, husbands have the exact opposite problem.

Tell him you're willing to watch while he has sex with random men. And when he says he's not into guys, tell him "I am not either, I'm into you. You alone."