By embarrassed - 21/12/2009 00:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I texted my Dad to tell him I'm staying at my boyfriend's house and won't be home. Since I had predictive text on, my phone didn't quite get the word 'home' - the message I sent said, 'I'm staying at Will's, I'll not be good tonight.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 317
You deserved it 29 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uhm not gunna lie I had to read this FML a good couple times until I understood it. I found you worded it oddly. Maybe its just me.. ahah


Ummm, this is why we have cliches. Plus, if you know enough to be on this site, you know not to trust predictive text.

renaet 0

Yeah what exactly did you mean by cliches o_O

perdix 29

I think whatevershesaid meant "commonly-used abbreviations" instead of "cliches." LOL, IDK, BRB, LMAO don't get "fixed" by predictive text. ING2BH2N is not widely accepted, though.

that happens a lot I end up typing good for home, of for me, if for he, etc.

Kladfvgbung 0

A cliche is a template/sjablon.

Uhm not gunna lie I had to read this FML a good couple times until I understood it. I found you worded it oddly. Maybe its just me.. ahah


It is worded weirdly. "I'll not be home tonight"? Very strange indeed.

Well, when you think about it, it's just him saying "I will not be home tonight".

It's not worded weirdly at all. That sort of phrasing is perfectly normal in the UK.

I didn't get it either. And plus, it's too wordy.

LOL that ALWAYS happens to me and i text random people akward things!!

I really hate when that happens. I think it's a hassle to go back through and edit all your mistaken words too.

Do people not re-read their texts before they send them? Esp with predictive text on.

I sure do... but sometimes it happens randomly if I'm sending a quick text and I don't notice... Mostly I remember to double check though.

funkymunky27 0

u look like a burnt fake blonde lol!! double-checking messages before sending considered not-cool these days? It doesn't take long to make sure you typed up the right words.

Panther_fml 0

yeah we are rebels. Checking our messages before sending them is so non-rebellious XD I have a qwerty phone... so much easier to NOT screw up.

MasterOfTheXP 2

YDI for using predictive text, and not reading it over before you send -_-