Jingle bells

By anomynous - 03/12/2020 11:01

Today, I woke up with my period. At least I'm getting into the Christmas spirit with red and green shorts, right? FML
I agree, your life sucks 755
You deserved it 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let's just hope that green is the original colour of your shorts and not an extra addition next to the red 😅

if it's any consolation, I had mine on Halloween, Thanksgiving, and I'm gonna have it on Christmas too.


Let's just hope that green is the original colour of your shorts and not an extra addition next to the red 😅

Yummi_913 18

Shouldn't you be happy your period came now and will be gone during Christmas week? I'd be thrilled for that kind of timing. I always have mine ON important days. EVERY important day. Thank **** I haven't had mine for over a year all thanks to breastfeeding 🥳

if it's any consolation, I had mine on Halloween, Thanksgiving, and I'm gonna have it on Christmas too.

Literally happens to almost every female at some point. No biggie.