By Enragedbitch - 20/10/2012 08:49 - United States - Torrance

Today, my husband informed me that he recently slept with a secretary of his to become better at sex for me. I don't know what's worse, the fact that he cheated on me or that he seriously believes that he has a reasonable excuse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 554
You deserved it 2 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He got some guts to tell you he is cheating on you for you. Lmao. Honestly for you or not, cheater is a cheater, get rid of him.

That makes no sense! To get better at sex with someone, you sleep with that person regularly and discuss what you both enjoy. I guess either your husband is a cheating git, or he's a cheating git who thinks female pleasure is all identical, in which case *clips OP's husband round the back of the head*


mowmowlife 21

20 - It isn't the secretary that cheated on OP...

You definitely deserve it if you made him feel like he needed to be better. However FYL cause telling you was unnecessary if that was the real reason

KiddNYC1O 20

That what ****'s for. He's a douche.

You should tell him that's why you've been prostituting, to practice faking O's to make him feel better in bed! (And paying his secretary to sleep with him so you wouldn't have to)


I`d use that one if anything like that ever happened to me! and she should too...make that douche feel stupid!

I'm did say ex husband didn't you?

He is gone now, right? No matter what, sex with someone else is cheating and not cool

Quimpo 14

what a creep...why are people getting dumber by the second?