By Justlooking - 28/07/2017 20:00

Today, my new husband of two weeks attempted to solicit sex from a hooker. He tried to excuse himself by saying, "I would never cheat on you! I was just looking." FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 407
You deserved it 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gobiteme2 34

Should get tested for STD'S. Seriously think about the marriage, do you want to put up with this.

It's not too late to get an anullment...


Looking my arse, he was just hooking!

It's not too late to get an anullment...

mitolit 12

Most states only allow annulments when fraud has occurred.

Lobby_Bee 17

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ezrajab 22

I feel people like yourself have no sense of personal value. Why would you intentionally hurt someone you love?

If that was supposed to be funny, it didn't work. If it was serious, you really have problems.

gobiteme2 34

Should get tested for STD'S. Seriously think about the marriage, do you want to put up with this.

Two weeks and he’s already bored of sex with you? You need to liven it up, babe!

And why exactly are you blaming her??

if he looked why was he talking aka attempting to solicit

all i have to say is annulment or divorce. of he tries it once he will do it again

SteelSoul5 9

Don't even give him a second chance

1: Yes, he would have sex with a hooker and probably already has before meeting you and probably since. 2: He was not "just looking", he was trying to find out how you would react, so he knows what he can get away with in the future.

Gwengreen 6

Just looking? Sounds familiar... you should be worried he stole material from Eddie Murphy.