Healthcare for all

By Broken - 07/01/2021 11:01 - United States - Toledo

Today, thanks to America's opiate epidemic, I can no receive the pain management I require for broken ribs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 967
You deserved it 99

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel your pain OP I've broken my ribs several times to the point where three ribs have to be put back in place on my spine a couple times a year there are ways around it if you can't get pain meds from the doctor Excedrin works great for rib pain if you can take it better than Tylenol or Ibuprofen or if you live in an area you can smoke weed there are painkilling ointments with CBDs that work awesome you'll have to look around and see what your options are in your area but there are ways to help your own pain management on your own

I feel your pain as well. I have severe degenerative disc disease and have had spinal surgery but no one can help with pain management. The pain is awful and I will have my whole back fused before I'm 35. Hopefully things change in the near future. The opiate epidemic has actually gotten worse since pain management has gotten harder. I hope you can find some relief.


I feel your pain OP I've broken my ribs several times to the point where three ribs have to be put back in place on my spine a couple times a year there are ways around it if you can't get pain meds from the doctor Excedrin works great for rib pain if you can take it better than Tylenol or Ibuprofen or if you live in an area you can smoke weed there are painkilling ointments with CBDs that work awesome you'll have to look around and see what your options are in your area but there are ways to help your own pain management on your own

Marcella1016 31

Wow I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m curious - how did you break your ribs in that way and break them so many times?! I can’t imagine what that must be like! (Or what you do for a living...or for fun. Stunt person or extreme sports?!)

Well it was a combination of very rough childhood, accidents(work, vehicle, playing hard, etc.), formally being around drunk,stupid,and abusive people and a afew really bad assaults.(mugging, robbery gone bad, being jumped by a gang,etc.) I've broken at least 100 bones in my life time plus had numerous other trauma's. So I been there done that I just chilling now forever around good people 😊

rotflqtms_ 21

Perhaps if you smoke weed trying that. another thing you could try is a ice bath. fill the tub with couple of 20 pound bags of ice and hop in for 5-10 minutes. it sucks at first but after the first 20 seconds it feels great and will take away alot of soreness.

I feel your pain as well. I have severe degenerative disc disease and have had spinal surgery but no one can help with pain management. The pain is awful and I will have my whole back fused before I'm 35. Hopefully things change in the near future. The opiate epidemic has actually gotten worse since pain management has gotten harder. I hope you can find some relief.

bobsanction 18

I completely understand! I just has to have knee surgery, they gave me tylenol and motrin for the pain. They don't work and I'm in a lot of pain!

sarahcroy20 12

Um how long have you been managing your pain? I'm thinking you can't get anymore so that you don't become addicted.