Everyone's an expert

By yaa - 17/04/2020 17:00

Today, my sister's husband, who's never even been to college let alone medical school, told me that my cancer is not hereditary, despite a deep family history. He instead swears it's due to my "poor lifestyle and eating habits." Mind you, he's a 300 lbs, fall-down drunk with multiple DUIs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 091
You deserved it 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He may not have gone to medical school, but he seems to be an authority on poor lifestyle choices and bad eating habits.

Because brother-in-law can mean husband's brother or sister's husband. It's ambiguous.


He may not have gone to medical school, but he seems to be an authority on poor lifestyle choices and bad eating habits.

Because brother-in-law can mean husband's brother or sister's husband. It's ambiguous.

bloopaloop 27

He might know from experience.

slowhandjp 16

Could anyone tell me what the DUIs is?

DUI stands for Driving Under Intoxication. A person is only allowed to have so much alcohol in their blood before the law feels they’re impaired enough to not be able to safely drive.

lifeis4me 20

Driving under the influence, AKA drunk driving

Well, he clearly shows motivation to be a doctor and researcher!. You should encourage him to research on how people die young from obesity and stuff him full of McDonald’s

Kayyyy 1
Taylor Caldwell 10

It is a very small percent of disease that is hereditary most people confuse genetics with lifestyle and eating habits that run in families.

Is that really so bad? You don't have to interact with him if you don't want to.