By Meg - 17/10/2018 15:30

Today, we moved 2,700 miles across the U.S. to better our lives, with job offers and home options lined up. All of them were given to other people or turned out to be scams. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 100
You deserved it 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait, so none of this was set in stone? Job offers and home options aren't exactly guarantees, they're possibilities. And scams, apparently. I'd like to know why you moved before everything was established. One of you/your partner could have gone ahead, and made sure it was all sorted, your jobs were secured, your home available, and then it would have been okay for everyone else to move, as well.

ViviMage 38

Didn't you get a preemployment letter??


ViviMage 38

Didn't you get a preemployment letter??

Wait, so none of this was set in stone? Job offers and home options aren't exactly guarantees, they're possibilities. And scams, apparently. I'd like to know why you moved before everything was established. One of you/your partner could have gone ahead, and made sure it was all sorted, your jobs were secured, your home available, and then it would have been okay for everyone else to move, as well.

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Didn't you guys at least investigate before doing something so rash??

tarabella 7

Dear life Could you please at least use lube the next time? Cheerio