By Lilly - 30/10/2012 18:45 - United States

Today, my husband and I found out that our dog was pregnant. He now refuses to have kids with me for at least two years, because he wants to raise the puppies without any "distractions". FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 961
You deserved it 4 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You don't want puppies around babies anyways. They make the human race look bad. While the little puppies are zipping around cute as hell, the baby doesn't have the neck strength to hold up its giant bulbous head. Most babies eventually surpass the dogs in intelligence, but early on, it's a blowout for the dogs.


at least you know he'll take care of something once you know it's going to happen

If you're going to give an excuse at least make an effort to make it soundsl valid. He clearly doesn't want kids

Well if you can't "risk" getting pregnant for 2 years the i guess your husband won't be getting laid until he's done "raising" the puppies ;p

ToBeAnnounced 2

Good. The only kids my husband and I will be raising are puppies, no babies for me thanks.

gregkingsley 4

Ha ha ha the bs we come up with sometimes to avoid doing certain things in life amazes me.

I think he just made it obvious that he doesn't want kids.. Children are not distractions. Geez -_-

Children are HUGE distractions, they literally require most if not all of your attention in the early years, and if they don't then you are parenting wrong...

ViviMage 38

Six weeks to weaning. I don't get it. Surely you aren't keeping ALL the puppies?? Yes young

conqueror57 11

You deserve it. Next time, be a responsible pet owner and get your dog spayed.