Just a friend

By UnluckyTh1rteen - 27/08/2020 14:19 - United States - New York

Today, my boyfriend went to get coffee with a friend. As a joke, I texted him to ask how his date with his other girlfriend was going. It really was a date, and apparently it went very well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 790
You deserved it 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did he bring anything back for you, like a latte, a Frappuccino or chlamydia?

Win 9

Wow. Some people really have no sense of responsibility, maturity or loyalty. I’m sorry OP. Although it isn’t what will make things better, I’m glad that you are not with someone who has those traits. You deserve better than someone who disrespects you. If people are unhappy and want to date someone else, they could have the courtesy and responsibility to “break up” first. Cheating is just disgusting.


Did he bring anything back for you, like a latte, a Frappuccino or chlamydia?

What size Chlamydia? Demi, short, tall, grand, venti or Trenta?

A venti Chlamydia with chocolate shavings and a little yeast sprinkled on top.

LMFAO 🤣😂 I almost choked on my coffee

Win 9

Wow. Some people really have no sense of responsibility, maturity or loyalty. I’m sorry OP. Although it isn’t what will make things better, I’m glad that you are not with someone who has those traits. You deserve better than someone who disrespects you. If people are unhappy and want to date someone else, they could have the courtesy and responsibility to “break up” first. Cheating is just disgusting.

I hope you changed the locks before he came home.