By Lilly - 30/10/2012 18:45 - United States

Today, my husband and I found out that our dog was pregnant. He now refuses to have kids with me for at least two years, because he wants to raise the puppies without any "distractions". FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 970
You deserved it 4 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You don't want puppies around babies anyways. They make the human race look bad. While the little puppies are zipping around cute as hell, the baby doesn't have the neck strength to hold up its giant bulbous head. Most babies eventually surpass the dogs in intelligence, but early on, it's a blowout for the dogs.


txgirl2013 14

Aww. Congrats on the puppies! But maybe you can convince your husband otherwise if you want kids sooner?

TheDrifter 23

Or she can wait and see how he does with the puppies. Call it a golden opportunity to see if either of them need remedial parenting training.

31 has a point, it'll be good practice with being patient. Also, 1, is that a fennec fox in your pic?

djinnsnme 19

At least OP knows that he may be a good father some day. He knows his priorities.

Doubt it. Sounds like he's just looking for a reason not to have kids yet.

txgirl2013 14
StalkerChick 13

Look at it this way, he'll be an attentive father when your human babies get here ^_^

oj101 33

Yeah, at least the dogs will be extremely well looked after as opposed to the many in the shelter due to neglect. Practice perhaps?

"He NEEDS to sort out his priorities!" Harry Potter reference anyone?

54 This comment is almost as yseless as yours Tie dye einsteins take stop signs.

DoNotEnter 5

Fix your pets? No ugly surprises. I mean, puppies are adorable but caring for them is not. Good luck!!

Caring for babies isn't exactly adorable either, don't you think?...

Planning and having a baby, which it seems the OP was trying to do, wouldn't exactly be a surprise but a conscious decision.

That's his only reasoning? Sounds like he doesn't want to have kids and is using this as an excuse.

Yea, shouldn't it be the other way around?

I kind of see his point having puppies and a baby would be awfully difficult. But you could raise and sell the puppies before the baby even arrives no?

unknown_user5566 26

I can see why that would be annoying, but it's not necessarily a bad idea. Do you really want puppies AND an infant at the same time? That would be a ton of work.

Sparks808 10

Considering a mother dog is pregnant for about 63 days, and puppies are ready to go to new homes in about 8-12 weeks, and human babies take 9 months to gestate.... I don't think taking care of both is a problem. Unless they're planning on keeping all of them. Seems to me this is just his excuse not to have a baby, so you might want to look into his real reasons, OP.

He is terrified because he called her a crazy bitch.

perdix 29

You don't want puppies around babies anyways. They make the human race look bad. While the little puppies are zipping around cute as hell, the baby doesn't have the neck strength to hold up its giant bulbous head. Most babies eventually surpass the dogs in intelligence, but early on, it's a blowout for the dogs.

Puppies and babies get along great though ! You should just explain the benefits of having puppies, cause they'll make you happy while your pregnant ( when his not around ) and be the babies 'guard'/ bestfriend :)

unknown_user5566 26

Having a litter of puppies around (or even just one) while pregnant is likely to cause a lot of stress. Raising a puppy takes a lot of work. If they plan on keeping any of the puppies, I think OP is better off waiting to get pregnant to avoid being overwhelmed.

Puppies and babies do not go great together. An older dog and baby, possibly... Puppies are mouthy, unruly, and pee/poo everywhere. Not the best thing to have next to your infant.

aneurophobia 5

The term "best friend" consists of two words

The ideal sentence should have a full stop.

It´s actually a pretty good decision imo. Having puppies and a baby at the same time would consume a lot of both of your time.

ayzee_fml 8

Is this a repeat FML? I could have sworn I've read this before...