By minimazing - 07/10/2018 05:00

Today, my husband of 5 months admitted he is jealous of my dog. I've had the dog for 16 years. He admits to wanting to drop it off at the shelter while I'm at work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 588
You deserved it 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whiskey'swino 15

Husband needs to be taken to a shelter. Jerk.

I hope your dog is chipped god forbid he really does that


whiskey'swino 15

Husband needs to be taken to a shelter. Jerk.

Didn’t he know about your dog during your engagement?

Bear_with_me 8

Put the husband in the shelter

I hope your dog is chipped god forbid he really does that

Does the dog have any chance stealing you away from him. If he does, your husband should know about your affair.

Well he found a quick way to the dog house

if anything happens to your dog you stab up that prick.

He needs help, if he is jealous of a dog, he will be jealous over people too and You wont have a life in the end. So get him to a therapy and get him to talk about his self image .

He is trying to prove how much he loves you by claiming to be jealous. Trouble is looking for you..

Zoey775 16

Looks like it's time to get rid of the husband