By newniece - 27/01/2010 00:09 - United States

Today, my grandpa, a married high school teacher, got arrested for having an inappropriate relationship with a female student. Hearing the news, I called my grandma crying. Not only is he most likely going to jail, but in seven months I will have a new aunt who is eighteen years younger than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 978
You deserved it 2 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I got it. You are going to be 18 when grandpa's love child, your aunt will be born. Grandpa's going to jail, so the baby mama is underage. Yeah, having an aunt that is younger than you is odd, but what is really ****** up is that you are older than your "new" grandma, or your new grandma is your grandpa's prison bitch. He's got more options than you do ;)


*hugs OP* that sucks! it must suck for your parents and grandma :( i hope hes now dead to you and you disown him D:

YayAmerica 0

Yes, ouch for the people involved, i.e. the grandpa, the girl, the grandma, and the baby, but NOT the OP.

it's your fault for being born ( sarcasm ) that sux

 is right you aren't to blame OP.

sunshyne84_fml 0

that happens all the time........I was referring to the aunt being younger part btw lol I mean the other part does too, but thats not good

laylay33 6

Umm I've never heard of a case of someone's grandpa cheating on a grandma with a student and the student becoming pregnant... Good try though.

don't you mean grandma? how is your grandfathers girlfriend suddenly an aunt?

either the grandma or the student is knocked up.

she's pregnad if she gives birth to the girl she has she will be his or her half aunt....ur dumb

took a couple of times reading it to understand.

lovefeast1217 0

If she is only two months pregnant, then how do they know the sex of the baby already?!?!

Sun_Kissed18 25

They don't? Where did it say they did?

ravensunnyd 0
sterl13 0

y'all are the stupidest mother ******* ever. why don't you just give up your whole damn life you bunch of *****

willowbeauty 0

you can find out the gender of a baby between 16 and 18 weeks of pregnancy, which yes, is 2 1/2 to 3 months. However, pregnancy timing is weird, and they say it actually starts before the baby is conceived and actually goes longer than 9 months, and each pregnancy is different, and so forth. BUT taking the OP's grandfather, the nasty pedophile that he is, into consideration, who would even know what the truth is!?!?!

the student of the grandfather is pregnant to said writer's aunt smarty

Her grandfathers girlfriend is pregnant hence the "in 7 months" part. The baby will be her aunt because it's her grandfathers child.

MissNicky_fml 0

Are you retarded? the student is pregnant

laylay33 6

Holy shittt your stupid and probably too your for this!

pheonixfire13 17

They mean the grandfathers girlfriend got pregnant so the baby will be her aunt

doink 0

I didn't know you can find out the fetus' gender at two months.. Hm...

doink 0

Then how does she know she is getting an aunt?

ask the OP. You can't find our the sex til you're at least 18 weeks pregnant. Unless they have some super special equipment over there. Or possibly the pregnant student had an amnio done to ensure her baby doesn't have downs syndrome ..since the baby daddy is OLD. then it would be FHL.. cuz having a child like that will definitely consume your life.

down-syndrome is from an old mother, the father's age doesn't play a role, as his sperm are regenerated his whole life.. women are born w/ eggs and don't regenerate any, so the older you are, the more mutations your eggs have for old women, getting pregnant is high risk, b/c your eggs are more likely to be damaged--and thus more likely to lead to health problems, like DS..... guys can have healthy babies as long as they can keep making viable sperm....

perdix 29

I got it. You are going to be 18 when grandpa's love child, your aunt will be born. Grandpa's going to jail, so the baby mama is underage. Yeah, having an aunt that is younger than you is odd, but what is really ****** up is that you are older than your "new" grandma, or your new grandma is your grandpa's prison bitch. He's got more options than you do ;)

epound28 0

And that my friends, is a clear example of win.

starberries 0

The girl that grandpa had an affair with is not grandma. He's not marrying her.

Qwermy 16

The girl may not be underage; it's illegal in most states for a teacher to have sex with students even if they are 18 or of consenting age, due to the teacher being in a position of power over the student. This is still ****** up though.

how, in any way, does this guy deserve it?

littlelemur 2

I'm always wondering that on these kinda posts... I think people see the count for YDI at zero and they are neurotic and need to make the count not say zero...