Hanging on by a thread

By fml - 23/05/2022 02:00 - United States - Denver

Today, I was standing in line when the lady in front of me stepped out of the line. I made a comment about how rude she was for doing that, and she immediately burst into tears because she “didn’t know it was rude to do that.” A grown woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 254
You deserved it 1 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean yeah, bursting into tears over something like that, but what do you mean with she stepped out of the line? Like literally, she left the line she was standing in? Why would that be rude? Skipping the line is, but leaving the line? What?

how on earth was that rude? is not like she was trying to cut in front of you. also, she was probably having a really bad day, hence the crying. you're the rude ass for making her cry. are you grown yourself?


I mean yeah, bursting into tears over something like that, but what do you mean with she stepped out of the line? Like literally, she left the line she was standing in? Why would that be rude? Skipping the line is, but leaving the line? What?

how on earth was that rude? is not like she was trying to cut in front of you. also, she was probably having a really bad day, hence the crying. you're the rude ass for making her cry. are you grown yourself?

kitten79TX 5

This makes no sense. How is stepping out of line rude? And this is why you should always be kind to strangers. Obviously this woman has something stressful going on in her life right now and your comment was a "straw that broke the camel's back." Before you speak unkindly to someone, especially a stranger, adk yourself if what you are about to say is true, kind, and necessary. Is it true she was being rude? From the information you've given, no, it wasn't. Even if it WAS true, was it kind? No, it wasn't. Was it necessary? Again, nope. It costs us nothing to show kindness, or at the very least to avoid being unkind. I'm NOT jidhing you, we've all said something to a stranger without really thinking. Just use this as an opportunity to grow.

wrenavery90 12

I'm so confused. Why is that rude? And are you the line police?

there is nowhere, that it is bad manners to leave a line. you, on the other hand, are very rude with poor manners.

Were you social distancing? Maybe she didn't want to stand nut to butt with strangers. js

I'm guessing you mean the lady stepped out of line to grab something and came back which you got mad at. is it annoying yes but life is too damn short for you to get so annoyed to say something on something so petty. ask yourself is the confrontation warranted and is it needed? I have a feeling you also have stuff going on in your life that makes you quick to anger or annoyed.

wysegirl 24

I'm with everyone else.. How is this rude? I'm confused the amount of times I have watched people step out of like to look at shelves while waiting not once did I consider it rude.