By Anonymous - 13/11/2009 00:05 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was throwing a birthday party and got very drunk. She needed help getting to the bathroom so I picked her up and walked her to the toilet. Assuming she needed to throw up, she instead takes a huge, monstrous crap right in front of me. I can't look at her the same ever again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 447
You deserved it 8 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's not love until you know she poops and you still want to have sex with her.

I swear the last sentence said "I can't look at her ****** the same ever again" [shakes head, blinks eyes several times] Anyway, you're going to hear a lot of crap (haha) about how it's only natural and girls do poop etc etc But really, I understand. Nobody wants to think about their significant other defecating, or anyone at all for that matter, unless they're into that kind of thing. It's a rather awkward situation to stand and watch, especially when it's smelly. Now, this could be a plus though... she is comfortable enough to let you... er, witness that? Obviously it could also be the booze though.


I dunno maybe you should have got the hint when she sat on the toilet that she was obviously not going to puke. That would have been a good opportunity for you to leave and idk... not stand there stupidly. >.>

Ewwww u should of gave her some privicy when u first notice she was taking a crap.

wow girls poop? I didn't know that was possible! seriously grow up

Okay, this was really funny, but the end was NOT. I mean seriously?! Pooping is pretty freaking normal. How often do people puke? REALLY?! Gahhh...*facepalm* the people of the world...

saltycookies 5
bellahhh 0

wow, way too many of you guys take this FML post way too seriously. calm down. my gosh.

wafflesgirl24 0

you should have turned around xD

oh get over yourself, your fault for staying in the room. your kinda a jerk.