By kdeeeceee - 09/11/2011 05:59 - United States
Same thing different taste
By DonPedro - 16/01/2009 14:45 - United States
By Taylor Page - 19/02/2015 16:24 - United States - Gainesville
By mikesok988 - 07/05/2009 07:40 - United States
Gross out competition
By shattysituation - 31/12/2012 22:36 - United States
By thanksmom - 09/01/2013 19:57 - United States - Tucson
Pumped-up Tanks
By DogStew - 15/09/2019 20:00
By impatient amy - 27/01/2009 14:23 - Ireland
Sitcom vibes
By Anonymous - 16/11/2013 19:31 - France - Paris
Overdoing it
By Zill - 17/11/2022 10:00
By Username - 21/03/2012 17:10 - United States - Brooklyn
Top comments
Shitty situation? Wait, no, that joke sucks. But look at it this way: At least you're a gentleman! And a jackass..
You're a good guy OP, you did the right thing. Respect.
Instead of saying that joke sucks, you should've said "that joke stinks"....yay...puns
This FML is full of bullshit. OP shouldn't have taken the blame. They should of just left. =P but actually, when you gotta go, you gotta go.
Pretty romantic actually.
Oh god, I'm reading this fml while eating.
88: Cool story bro.
Fair point, 26. I should've considered that.
WHY would u say it was u? Id be like no way, I'm telling him it was u. At least u didn't have to plug it.
that was really sweet of you
the bright side? Ur gf owes u big time and we all know gf > boss !
MOB=Money over bitches
Hmmm Boss = Job Job = money Money = girlfriend girlfriend > Boss Conundrum?
well, actually what you're saying is Boss = girlfriend if thats the case, he's ******.
"Be at peace with your wife and you'll get a piece at night."
63 - No thats the conundrum, boss = job, job = money, money = girlfriend BUT girlfriend > boss. Do you see it now?
This is what I meant to say, stupid editing time restrictions: 63 - No thats the conundrum, boss = job, job = money, money = girlfriend BUT girlfriend > boss. Girlfriend will always be greater than boss but job and money all equal the same and when you have those two they equal girlfriend but girlfriend is greater then boss making those other two mute but you need money and a job to have a girlfriend even though girlfriend comes before boss all the time, confused? I am.
Disregard women aquire currency
BOM - Bitch Over Money
Ouch what a crappy situation.
Ouch, what an overused joke.
"'shitty/crappy situation' is an overused joke" is an overused statement. Jeez, get with the times.
That was a shitty joke no pun intended
That was a shitty joke no pun intended
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried.
Hahah, nawwh, cute.
Man, you're a gentleman ! So cute to do that. :)
Seriously you did a good thing OP and hopefully your girlfriend realizes how good of a guy you are
I dont know about you but i dont find things like taking a huge dump and clogging the toilet cute
That's the most romantic thing I've heard in a while..
....well......that can't be good
I have also realised how dire my original comment sounded.
Dont worry 7 we all know you meant it with the best intentions, OPs a stand up guy.
Hey even if you had clogged the toilet up it's not like you would have done it on purpose!
Aw, at least we can confirm three things now. 1) Karma will flow your way, 2) You're a gentleman and 3) Moral of the story? Never take a dump in your boss's house.
4. Someones getting his dick sucked
Well said lol
#10.. Moral of the story? Never LET HIS GF take a dump in his boss's house.

Shitty situation? Wait, no, that joke sucks. But look at it this way: At least you're a gentleman! And a jackass..
Man, you're a gentleman ! So cute to do that. :)