By Anonymous - 13/11/2009 00:05 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was throwing a birthday party and got very drunk. She needed help getting to the bathroom so I picked her up and walked her to the toilet. Assuming she needed to throw up, she instead takes a huge, monstrous crap right in front of me. I can't look at her the same ever again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 443
You deserved it 8 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's not love until you know she poops and you still want to have sex with her.

I swear the last sentence said "I can't look at her ****** the same ever again" [shakes head, blinks eyes several times] Anyway, you're going to hear a lot of crap (haha) about how it's only natural and girls do poop etc etc But really, I understand. Nobody wants to think about their significant other defecating, or anyone at all for that matter, unless they're into that kind of thing. It's a rather awkward situation to stand and watch, especially when it's smelly. Now, this could be a plus though... she is comfortable enough to let you... er, witness that? Obviously it could also be the booze though.


It's a natural human thing to do. You're only shallow if you can't accept that fact that girls also have stomach problems and need to release the troubles.

why does comfort = letting yourself go? I'm comfortable with my wife, but I still try to look my best for her, and she does the same...... and BTW, girls look cute in Snuggies and most are beautiful without make-up

So she pinched a loaf infront of you. Maybe she is warming you up for "two eggs Danny Thomas style". Google it.

solocredere12 4

OP, YDI for being a pussy. I hope a girl catches you taking a shit and gets all awkward on you because *gasp* OMFG, shit came out of his ass like any other normally functioning human! Tool.

Seriously dude, Its a ****'n natrual thing and u think its discusting or some shit cause ur girlfriend does something that every other human being does. If ur honestly like that everytime u see a girl do something natrual, then ur just a ****'n wanker. 5 words my friend, GET THE **** OVER IT! Im sure ur girlfriend would have been more sivalized in this situation then u are being. What do u honestly think that u going to get out of this, posting it on FML. grow up! im ****'n 12 and even im more mature then u.

Yeah, how about you learn how to spell the words natural, disgusting, and civilized before you start telling people how unbelievably mature you are.

wow, nice spelling kid, maybe you should try to finish the 6th grade before attempting to sound smart 'mature' people also woudnt be flipping out as badly as you are change your tampon.

I understand she was drunk and you had to walk her to the toilet....but why did you stay? I mean usually people get drunk they can atleast sit on the toilet, so if it was so discusting why did you stay and watch thats what I find the most weird out of it.

pooping in front of your significant other should be a compliment. it is one of the ultimate demonstrations of trust

What I'm not understanding is how you were prepared to watch her throw her guts up, but you can't handle that? and also... when she sat down on the toilet without falling over, you probably should have turned around and walked away, IMO.