By Anonymous - 13/11/2009 00:05 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was throwing a birthday party and got very drunk. She needed help getting to the bathroom so I picked her up and walked her to the toilet. Assuming she needed to throw up, she instead takes a huge, monstrous crap right in front of me. I can't look at her the same ever again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 447
You deserved it 8 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's not love until you know she poops and you still want to have sex with her.

I swear the last sentence said "I can't look at her ****** the same ever again" [shakes head, blinks eyes several times] Anyway, you're going to hear a lot of crap (haha) about how it's only natural and girls do poop etc etc But really, I understand. Nobody wants to think about their significant other defecating, or anyone at all for that matter, unless they're into that kind of thing. It's a rather awkward situation to stand and watch, especially when it's smelly. Now, this could be a plus though... she is comfortable enough to let you... er, witness that? Obviously it could also be the booze though.


eh why did u watch? why didn't u leave if ur that disturbed???

silly man girls dont poop :) thats only an urban legend

dru67 0

bro i watch my girl shit all the time, hell we have conversations while im showering and she's ******** and vice versa. The best part is when she gets in the shower with me after she *****, and then i clean her cute lil ass for her, thats right, i scrub a dub the heck out of her lil pooper. When its all said and done man you should be glad to share an intiment moment like that with her. alot of girls are too ashamed or whatever... Plus...if you really get to know the ins and outs of her poop hole then mabey one day she'll let you stik you lil tweenky in it! but make sure you clean reeeel good first!

hahaha strangely I find that very adorable. i'm like that with my BF, although he is a bit of a poop-phobe (i have always had pets in my life, poop is just poop to me, wash your hands afterward if it bothers you) which can make to some frustrating moments before we're going to be intimate. we live together and i find it ridiculous that he wants us to shower every time before sex. UGH. it's right, girls are usually ashamed to burp, fart, or talk about pooping in front of their boyfriends. shame on anyone who makes their girl feel that way.

Quit being a child -- if you think women don't burp, poop, fart, etc. then you will never be happy with who you are dating. Grow up.

leksileks 0

wow r u retarded? everyone poops jackass

Everybody poops. You're a sad, pathetic excuse for a human being. YDI.

dietrying22 0

You're an idiot. Take a f*cking Ritalin and breath in and out. Everyone *****.