By NinjaPanda88 - 01/08/2009 07:44 - United States

Today, my girlfriend wanted to name my penis. After 5 minutes of thinking up names, she finally picked one. Say hello to Squirtle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 879
You deserved it 16 891

Same thing different taste

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Tippssy 0

Pokedex Entry: Squirtle Type: Water Height: 6.5 inches Moveset: Harden, Pound, Withdraw, String Shot


I have never laughed at an FML as much as I laughed at this one. Best. Ever.

Beats mine. My girlfriend called mine Metapod.

bambition7 0

lmfao wow i guess now we all know how you finish things haha u made me lol xD

l3xxd 0

That's a mylifeisG and not a fml. She kent you pleasure her a lot because of your huge cumshots, squirtle is a water pokemon. I wish I had your girlfriend.

haha, i know this is like totally unlrelated to the FML.. but if i ever, ever get a turtle.. its going to be named Squirtle, cause im weird enough to do that to an animal xD haha

Thats so cute! But i think calling it Onyx would have been a lot better!

So she named your penis after the coolest-named pokemon and you go on the internet to cry about it? F hér L.