By Gonzales - 07/08/2015 19:47 - Belgium - Leuven

By Gonzales - 07/08/2015 19:47 - Belgium - Leuven
By NinjaPanda88 - 01/08/2009 07:44 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/01/2015 08:33 - New Zealand - Auckland
By Anonymous - 16/08/2009 17:14 - United States
By mynameisnotdrew - 17/02/2009 17:19 - United States
By ADT - 09/02/2009 02:14 - United States
By Tim Scotten - 18/05/2021 06:01
By syl - 11/02/2010 06:18 - Canada
By spermbankonlegs - 16/03/2012 02:21 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/05/2023 00:02
By off to the whorehouse, then - 31/03/2014 21:03 - United Kingdom - Brighton
Doesn't matter, had sex
She put a bag on my head.....
She might've been a racist (Doesn't matter, had sex)
Tell her it's also quick to move to different girls
#22 rustled your jimmies*
hahaha yes
Keep practicing till you can finish her off speedily!
OP, you could get her to name it Gordon instead, after Flash Gordon.
At least your girlfriend has a good sense of humour about it, OP.
What about the truth? Because you can't handle it?
it doesn't matter how long sex lasts... in fact it can be incredibly painful if it lasts for a very long time. just keep practicing op. work on your technique and you can give her the best sex she's ever had or will have. :)
When you've been with people that barely last 30 seconds no matter how frequently you do it, it gets frustrating. They finish and we don't, and often people can lose all interest once they've finished so they don't even bother trying to finish you. Might as well just do it myself, as it wasn't long enough to get any pleasure from it.
Lol I said to work on technique.. it can be incredibly pleasurable and last for a short time. your right it doesn't matter how frequent it is but the only way to get better is practice. and neither op or his girlfriend said he doesn't help finish her, just that he doesn't last long. now if he just leaves her hanging then that's incredibly inconsiderate. but no one ever said he does
that is very funny. But at least you're having sex
or Santa because it only comes once a year
lmao soooo right
Are you sure it wasn't because it's tiny like a mouse?
At least she gave it a name based on speed and not size
Doesn't matter, had sex
At least your girlfriend has a good sense of humour about it, OP.