By Tickdick - 24/03/2017 21:00 - United States - Pittsburgh

Today, I got out of the shower and noticed a tiny leaf on my penis. With legs. Squirming. I have a new nickname. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 317
You deserved it 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

itssnotfunny 24

Well why'd you tell people about it? Nobody would have known to call you that. You must have expected something like that.?

blaisems 5

i bet that'll be the only thing sucking your dick for a while lol


itssnotfunny 24

Well why'd you tell people about it? Nobody would have known to call you that. You must have expected something like that.?

blaisems 5

i bet that'll be the only thing sucking your dick for a while lol

species4872 19

Think you got it bad, just think what the tiny "leaf" friends are calling him.

...the only place this makes sense to occur at, from my point of view, is at some sort of communal camp and that another camper saw the tick first. Also, can I say "ouch" given how painful tick removal can be? And OP possibly was exposed to Lyme disease on top of that. That seems like more of a FML than the nickname.