Put the eggs in one basket!

By PsychoBoulevard - 13/03/2017 08:00 - United States - Tollhouse

Today, as well as for the past week, my cat finds immeasurable joy in knocking eggs of the counter and staring at me as I clean the mess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 230
You deserved it 1 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's like you're living in the black and white "Before" portion of an infomercial for refrigerators. "Tired of your cat knocking all the eggs, cheeses, fruit, and meat off your counters? Wish there was a way to keep milk good for more than a day? Want your produce illuminated by a tiny light each time you open a door?

runswithlions 3

Well...stop leaving them on the counter lol especially if you're not able to keep an eye out enough for it to become a problem. My cat is like that too. You usually have to turn your senses up a notch because they're going to test you.


runswithlions 3

Well...stop leaving them on the counter lol especially if you're not able to keep an eye out enough for it to become a problem. My cat is like that too. You usually have to turn your senses up a notch because they're going to test you.

Your cat is just protecting you from Salmonella. A refrigerator can do that job better and with less mess, you Darwin Award candidate, you!

This is only true of washed (store-bought) eggs in the United States. Farm bought (unwashed) eggs or those in non-US countries are better off left on the counter.

How can it be better being left at room temperature? I can see where some eggs may have a low risk of food-borne pathogens, but it always seems to be safer keeping it at low temperature.

they don't remove the natural outside layer that protects the eggs using bleach

I did not believe it until looking it up. Apparently, yes fresh eggs do not need to be refrigerated. Unless you wash them, then they should be.

It's important to remember the point that Kavrae made: in the US you can't buy unwashed eggs from stores. So they NEED to be refrigerated!

It's like you're living in the black and white "Before" portion of an infomercial for refrigerators. "Tired of your cat knocking all the eggs, cheeses, fruit, and meat off your counters? Wish there was a way to keep milk good for more than a day? Want your produce illuminated by a tiny light each time you open a door?

Im sold. Who do i give my credit card too?

Simply dial seven digits formed by ranking the numbers from most to least favorite! But hurry, wait too long and we'll throw this second fridge at you for free!

becca9985 34

If your cat's been doing this for a week and you haven't done something to fix the problem, you kind of deserve it.

It may be because I'm in a bad mood, but I think your cats are on to something. That sounds like fun.

species4872 19

I guess neither of you saw that coming.

species4872 19

Strange, that should have gone to the previous FML.

species4872 19

The cat's looking for Humpty Dumpty.

Way fix, put the eggs in the fridge until you are about to use them. Or just keep your car off the damn counters. You prep food on there.

That's supposed to say easy not way. Apparently there is no edit countdown anymore

You decided to serve "the superior" species. Why whinge when you have to entertain it too?