By quickfingers100 - 22/07/2011 13:38 - United Kingdom

Today, my girlfriend put a paper bag over my head while we had sex. Her reason? Because she thinks she is so good in bed she was worried I'd hyperventilate due to all the excitement. Instead I fainted due to lack of oxygen after three minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 901
You deserved it 10 713

Same thing different taste


letmeloveyou 0

you probably had bad breath and that's why she did it

848901 0

Ydi cause you went along w/ it, lol

44-- Sounds like you're speaking from experience.

2ndSucks 15

Well at least she got to enjoy it :) And as for op, well you'll get some later when you wake up. Doesn't sound half bad to me.

you actually kept the bag on? someone's pussy whipped!

visage 0

Depending on the pussy, that's not always a bad thing!

being told to put a bag on during sex is a bad kind of pussy whipped if you ask me. lol.

I don't think a girl can enjoy in under three minutes.

JennaMason 6

I usually put a micheal myers mask on my girl.