By mikki bee - 30/12/2014 17:24 - United States - Reno

Today, I decided to start jogging and exercising, so I had a wonderful workout before work. Then I broke my foot at work. Goodbye exercising. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 141
You deserved it 2 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe some sweet workers comp money will make you feel better?

Cats live 15 years, dogs live 10, and horses live 20. Turtles live 150. Lesson learned.


that's rough! I hope you get well soon, Break a leg next time op!

Maybe some sweet workers comp money will make you feel better?

Haha I totally read that in Bill Murray's voice!

It's clearly a sign to rest your feet and watch some more Netflix ;D In all seriousness, that's rough. Get well soon OP!

The universe is telling you to be lazy and to enjoy it

At least you got one last workout squeezed in before the accident!

That sucks, op! Until your foot gets better, try doing more arm exercises instead of running. Hope you get well soon!

Yes, try not to lose your momentum.

Yes, there is always abs and arms to work, even some floor legwork.

Cats live 15 years, dogs live 10, and horses live 20. Turtles live 150. Lesson learned.

Depends on the dog. Some can live 17+ years.

ChristianH39 30

Bigger dogs tend not to live as long, being more prone to heart problems. My lab is 15 and still relatively healthy, although getting a little decrepit

uni_lobster 7
smeboo 12

I like this analogy!! :) Making it a goal to use this at some point in time!