By quickfingers100 - 22/07/2011 13:38 - United Kingdom

Today, my girlfriend put a paper bag over my head while we had sex. Her reason? Because she thinks she is so good in bed she was worried I'd hyperventilate due to all the excitement. Instead I fainted due to lack of oxygen after three minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 901
You deserved it 10 713

Same thing different taste


and why didn't you just take off the bag?

She put a bag on your head, STILL COUNTS

Symmetry88 0

63 it wasn't cool the first time and it's not going to be cool now. so stop.

horrorfreak79nj 2

Wow ... either she has an asphyxiation fetish, or you really are a walking example of the ol' 'they are so ugly they need a bag over they're head' stereotype. So, regardless; she wasn't very truthful in her reason for making you wear it.

how is this an FML? Thats fudging kinky.. I'm kinda jealous. you know most people have to pay for that kinda thing

Wouldn't it be a good idea to take it off?...

ctm987654321 3

you're an idiot, you're either really ugly or your face makes it hard for her to think about someone else.

enonymous 8

He's a triple bagger. you need a bag he needs a bag and the video camera needs a bag.