By M.A. - 25/02/2014 05:22 - United States - Prescott

Today, my girlfriend dumped me. This poses a problem, because her mother is my boss, and we work in an office on the first story of their apartment. Tomorrow I have to decide whether to quit my awesome and only job, or go to work for my now ex's mother in their house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 104
You deserved it 5 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fooltemptress 36

At least it's only the first story. That's a survivable fall if you get thrown out the window by either the ex or the mother ...

Unless your now ex-girlfriend is making it seem like you dumped her and creating drama, i don't see how this is a problem. Talk with your 'boss' outside of working time because work and home drama should not mix. It's not professional.


MichellinMan 20

I think OP should stay. It might help the healing process, as well as show his ex that he doesn't need her.

I agree with 22. Go to work as normal, don't let what's happened take that awesome job away from you. Plus, it will be better for you to stick to a routine rather than wallow at home all day.

That is if OP's boss keeps it professional and not personal , otherwise OP is gonna have a hard time at work... But seeing that he didn't dump her , I don't think there should be a problem , unless OP cheated on his now ex then he's pretty much screwed .

it's actually not that hard. it's only awkward if you make it awkward. just go to work and keep it professional and if your boss can't then contact your hr, if you have one, or just have a serious talk with her and, respectfully, let her know that you're there for business not drama.

that is sucky but I kinda think you should have thought about that before dating the bosses daughter, or taking a job from your girlfriends mother (whichever came first) good luck op

incoherentrmblr 21

#88, it's also awkward if you get fired too...

I actually think he should look for another job. It really depends on why she broke up with him. If she did it for another guy and he's around a lot it will only hurt OP more.

lexiieeex3 32

She dumped YOU. There shouldn't be any hard feelings towards you, so you should be fine.

fooltemptress 36

At least it's only the first story. That's a survivable fall if you get thrown out the window by either the ex or the mother ...

jackrreaper117 6

No disrespect but I say **** that trick and do it, till you find another job...

StalkerChick 13

As the great Notorious B.I.G. Once said, "**** bitches. Get money."

jojimugo 20

ouch... Sorry OP, hopefully something can be worked out and there aren't any hard feelings

Unless your now ex-girlfriend is making it seem like you dumped her and creating drama, i don't see how this is a problem. Talk with your 'boss' outside of working time because work and home drama should not mix. It's not professional.

jazzy_123 20

Also if the mom isn't the kind to get involved then I don't see how it'd be such a big problem. Either way, OP should talk to her. Maybe they can come to an understanding. Good luck! (:

deet124 11

Don't let a relationship get in the way of an awesome job. It might be awkward but you'll get over it.

He shouldn't have mixed business and pleasure.

Maybe business was a result of pleasure. Regardless the job is more important than the now non existent relationship. Talk to mom and work it out.

Work and pleasure don't mix my friend!

If both your ex and her mother act adult-like, then you should keep your job. If they're both immature bitches then you should quit.

Exactly. If they are both adults, it might be hard bu doable. Best of luck, OP!

Go to work, relish in the pay checks signed by her mother..

If she is remotely professional it should not interfere with your job.. Good luck though!!