TMI mom!

By Anonymous - 13/04/2022 16:00

Today, my drunk mom informed me that out of all my potential brothers and sisters she’s swallowed over the years she’s "glad" I’m the one she "accidentally drooled onto her crotch, swam up her fanny and invaded" her "virgin egg." This kind of shit is why I moved out at 16 and still have a therapist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 537
You deserved it 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... at least she's glad? That may well be the weirdest attempted compliment I've ever heard. Sorry, OP.

You'll need therapy indefinitely until they invent brain bleach. I'm probably going to need some help from just reading this!


... at least she's glad? That may well be the weirdest attempted compliment I've ever heard. Sorry, OP.

You'll need therapy indefinitely until they invent brain bleach. I'm probably going to need some help from just reading this!

Right?? I was all set to order Panera but now appetite ruined. Brain bleach needed.

bobsanction 18

You're gonna need more therapists.

...tell me, OP...why haven't you gone no-contact with this toxic excuse for an egg donor?

brose2417 3

That is one of the most outlandish statements I’ve ever heard.