By pickit - 25/02/2010 02:26 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because I brought to her attention a rather large zit on the corner of her mouth. She called me an insensitive prick. I only pointed it out because I didn't want other people to see it and make fun of her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 288
You deserved it 20 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That zit made her bit of a tit, and she had no wit, and your no longer with it, so be thankful for it :)

Quest_ 13

You pointed it out because you genuinely didn't believe she was already aware of it? You suck.


First comment I've ever made on an FML post. First time I've ever went through the comments of FML, and snickers has commented on the last fifteen. I apologize for not specifying, but your argument no longer has any validity.

is she supposed to magically make it disappear? I'm sure she was aware and had already done her best to disguise it. OP commenting on it won't make it go away, and she's just going to feel even worse about it, so yes he is being insensitive. My guess is he does this crap all the time and it was the last straw. I had a bf like that and dumped his ass, not for one comment, but for the constant critisism that he thought was constructive.

Kilomech 8

Oh man...what's the first thing a girl looks into when she wakes up in the morning? A mirror. I'm sure she already knew it was there and was hoping to God you didn't.

lesson learned, honesty isn't always best policy. oh well move on.

CrazyJerry 0

Dude, i would think it would be nice to point out something like that, but the best way to go is to just ignore it and if she asks you if youd seen it say, "seen what? oh, i didnt even notice that!" make her feel better and compliment her.

clumsychick 0

Even though you were obviously trying to be nice, chances are, she already knew she had a pimple...Trust me: We're girls; we know these things & don't like for them to be pointed out - especially by our boyfriends. ;)

Wow, what a crazy bitch. Telling her that is no different than saying you have something stuck in your teeth, or something else along those lines. She's obviously an insecure psycho who didn't have feelings for you anyway, since she had no problems leaving , so you're better off in the end.

drea193 0

she should b glad u did it out of kindness what a b*tch

Kamashii 0

Better to get rid of her now if shes going to be acting like that over such a ******* stupid little thing, think for a "real fight" she probably just kill you lol