By Superficial - 09/12/2009 22:19 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me for being superficial. She said I was superficial because I paid $100 for acne medication, because she always complained about how much acne I had. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 019
You deserved it 2 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your life isn't ******. You know why? You don't need a bitch like that. SHE'S the superficial one for judging you based on your acne.

I bet she spends more than that on makeup etc.


I bet she spends more than that on makeup etc.

That. Plus she sucks, she's the one who kept whining about it, and now that you found a solution to it, she leaves you? Whatever.. seriously, it's better to pay $100 for something that works than $15 for something that won't do much difference

brasilbabe 0

when the reason is that ridiculous, the person usually just really wants to break up with you, and they say the first thing that comes to mind. but sorry breakups are never fun :(

Your life isn't ******. You know why? You don't need a bitch like that. SHE'S the superficial one for judging you based on your acne.

startafire 0

She did you a favor by breaking up with you. Now go find someone nice. :)

RaeBabe03 0

That makes no sense. Does she ride the short bus?

1800getalife 0

today my girl friend spent 50 dollars on shampoo fml.

Kttttt 0

My shampoo is $50 per bottle... so is my facewash and conditioner...

She was hinting at the cheese grater, not the acne medication.

ughh thats just a b*tch that cant be happy f*ck her

That's right f*ck her...and then leave her ^^