By karebear - 09/09/2010 05:33 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 6 months said he wasn't going to break up with me, he was just going to stop touching me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 703
You deserved it 4 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Translation: Today my boyfriend told me he's gay. FML

PurplePigeon 0

This made me laugh. I personally think there's more to this, like he kept trying to touch you and you kept freaking out or something. He still likes you, he's just sick of hearing you bitch & moan. This is all just my theory behind why he did what he did.


Jessi2487 0

OP BFD! quit complaining! get a new boyfriend.

KingDingALing 9

OP- this calls for drastic measures... ********** IN FRONT OF HIM ;D Then we'll see if he wants to touch you or not.

boyguydudemalema 0

im surprised there's no gay jokes that came up

sweetcheeksjvl 0

that's pretty slick he doesn't have to do the breaking up even though he clearly wants to.

53, there were gay jokes before you, they just weren't as a reply to 1. Perhaps you should follow their examples.

Indeed, that would have quite an effect. For the record my first thought was that he had a religious crisis of conscience.

WTSchool 0

Yeah, it sucks. Shoulda been like "Well! I guess I'll be the one breaking up with you, then. We are over." |D

Protip 342: Shower more than once a month

PurplePigeon 0

This made me laugh. I personally think there's more to this, like he kept trying to touch you and you kept freaking out or something. He still likes you, he's just sick of hearing you bitch & moan. This is all just my theory behind why he did what he did.

Elfyy 0

I think there's more to it too. like she cheated or some shit. Why would he break up with her for no reason but stop touching her? Just doesn't add up to me.

rzbt21 0

exactly. women are always at fault when they bitch about everything

Xtaci 0

I agree. I think he Did try to keep touching her and she kept freaking out lol

Thank you, 66, for restating 7's comment. It was too complex for me to interpret.

Psiren 0

family guy sucks futurama forever and dump that zero and get with a hero

Sounds like someone needs to shave the beaver.

susieKiute 0

ooooh! that does suck!! :/ sorry op

Graawr 7

Have sex with his brother or bestfriend? :D jk. Maybe you should make yourself more attractive.