By whykarma - 26/03/2013 21:17 - United States - Waxhaw

Today, my German Shepherd decided to bark at, then attack, a painted rock. At least I know I'm protected from inanimate objects. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 924
You deserved it 3 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

error404n0tf0und 21

keep him away from your pet rock!!

At least you know if that Travelocity bastard tries to kill you,your dog will **** his work up.


error404n0tf0und 21

keep him away from your pet rock!!

German shepherds have a thing for or not.

At least you know if that Travelocity bastard tries to kill you,your dog will **** his work up.

Gotta stop getting your dog stoned OP...

error404n0tf0und 21
error404n0tf0und 21

because I didn't get your stone! ;)

'Why karma' is his title.. Makes me wonder if he's truly worried about inanimate objects.. What'd you do OP?! Haha

mcaisse77 17

I think Karma is op's dog's name. It's very common for a dog to be named Karma.

Ah, thanks #24, that makes much more sense heh..

Growing up, we had a golden lab that would bark at rocks all the time. He would get mad because he could not grab them. But when he was able to, man oh man, that was one happy dog! I feel for ya.

My new puppy tries to eat rocks. And sticks. And paper. It's very hard to take her outside!

It could have been something in the paint. I do the same at Home Hardware...

xeka 10

That rock could do more damage then you know!

dinosxxrawr 22

you'll regret doubting your dog when rocks take over the world.

They already have, theyre everywhere man!

perdix 29

#9, don't worry, the dog also has aspirations of World Domination. Stay on his good side and you'll be OK.

Just wait till the rock revolution. You'll be happy when your dog keeps you safe from those stony bastards.