By assante2010 - 24/07/2011 00:09 - United States

Today, my friends and I went to the strip club for my birthday. I now know how my sister is paying for her new car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 350
You deserved it 6 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments


please tell me you didn't get a lap dance from her.

HahaYDI 0

Did you get some sort of family discount?


aprilmayjune93 0

that's gonna be awkward at the dinner table..

FML_14u2c 14

A good brother will keep that knowledge between him and her.

_NoobsRapedMe 2

Make her buy you things and you won't say anything about her "Dirty little secret" .

Lights_Out_fml 6

Kinda awkward getting lap dances with your sister watching..

kinda awkward watching your sister GIVE lapdances

Even more awkward if it is your sister doing the dancing.

fuckyoulife16 0
MadeToCommentOnT 0

at least now you can ask her to borrow money.