
By LieutenantDimwit - 30/04/2021 18:01 - Jordan

Today, my uncle picked up a tissue box and threw it at my sister for fun. My sister got mad and yeeted the box at me. I reacted with the same action, but she lost her crap and kicked and punched me. When I reported the incident to my parents, I get berated and my sister got away with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 879
You deserved it 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Vesi 29

OK for you commenters who obviously don't get it.. OPs sister *physically assaulted* OP over a tossed empty tissue box that OPs uncle started. What is *wrong* with you people?? It is not and never will be ok to physically assault *anyone*, regardless of their gender.

Marcella1016 31

**** I’m old. I don’t fully understand the context of the word “yeet.”


Marcella1016 31

**** I’m old. I don’t fully understand the context of the word “yeet.”

bleachedraven 14
Lydmyers 9

To 'yeet' something, is to throw and object with an unmeasured amount of force/distance. :)

Marcella1016 31

Lol thanks :) Your definition in this context makes sense. I feel like I’ve heard the word used in other ways, though. Like “Man I yeeted the **** out of there.” So I feel like its definition changes a lot. Unless I’m misremembering other uses of the word (which is entirely possible lol)

People will hold you to higher standard your whole life. Expect that you will need to be the one to set the example.

bleachedraven 14

Nobody likes a tattletale. I think that might be the real reason your parents treated you differently. Obviously if it’s a serious issue where someone has done something dangerous or that could be dangerous, then parents want to know what happened. But don’t expect them to react as if they are glad to hear the report on a brother or sister.

Vesi 29

OK for you commenters who obviously don't get it.. OPs sister *physically assaulted* OP over a tossed empty tissue box that OPs uncle started. What is *wrong* with you people?? It is not and never will be ok to physically assault *anyone*, regardless of their gender.

You reported the incident to your parents? How old are you?