By litup - 04/07/2009 22:48 - United States

Today, my drunk boyfriend thought it would be a good idea to light a firework in the back seat of my car while we were driving down the interstate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 711
You deserved it 6 593

Same thing different taste

Top comments

butterfly141989 0

you should have kicked his a** to the curb (literally and figuratively speaking)

rmujerita 0

i hope u made him walk after that


hahaha that happened to me earlier to. fyl. first!

butterfly141989 0

you should have kicked his a** to the curb (literally and figuratively speaking)

Nah he should have SHOVED a firework up his ass.. haha

rmujerita 0

i hope u made him walk after that

or put him in a strait jacket (if you had one...) silly drunk people!

No, no, no, alchohol and fireworks do not mix.

Its one way to make a car journey more interesting ;) lol.

He probably wanted his relationship to get even hotter.

HAHAHA!!!!! You totally won a cookie on that comment :D

5 is right I cought my arm on fire today cause I mixed them... I'm 14

JazzSpazz 0

That's ******. Good thing you didn't crash! FYL.

Glam_fml 0

I totally agree with 5. The two def. Do not go well together. The car just makes it even worse. 

Why weren't you watching him?! There's a reason why guys need girlfriends and it's not sex.

Because she can watch the "back seat" and the road at the same time.

When I was younger my mom always knew if I was up to no good. I swear if I was 50 miles away she got a random signal. She'll learn it someday. I think it takes time for women to learn how dumb men really are.