By not jacked - 20/04/2016 11:35 - United States - East Hartford

Today, my friend spotted for me while I was lifting a barbell. He thought it would be hilarious to tickle my armpits as I lifted it all the way up. I can still taste vomit in my mouth and it hurts to breathe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 167
You deserved it 1 560

Same thing different taste

Top comments

llamarrama01 21

Yes, because the absolute FIRST thought I have when I see a friend is "Oh golly, how can I injure them today?"

What the **** made him think doing that was a good idea?


What the **** made him think doing that was a good idea?

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Never let that friend spot for you ever again. Even if they say they won't do something like that again. They were dumb enough to do it once, they will be dumb enough to do some shit like that again. They could have seriously injured you or killed you depending on how much you were lifted. People spot people while lifting weights for a reason: so they don't get ******* hurt. Not to hurt them.

The friend probally didn't intend for that to happen, he most likely just didn't think it through enough.

OP as he's caving his friends face in: "it's just a prank man".

llamarrama01 21

Yes, because the absolute FIRST thought I have when I see a friend is "Oh golly, how can I injure them today?"

Did you drop the barbell on your throat?

I'm gonna guess chest, because if he knows what he's doing, then it should be over his chest

#29 he could be doing a guillotine press

ScarletteEve 33

Sorry, but that person 100% did not take your life into consideration when they went for a quick amusement for themselves.

Be careful with dumbells of the human variety.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

Do like the Mountain & crush is skull, wait I went too far.

I would not trust that friend any longer if that happened to me, essentially quitting the friendship