By No name - 18/12/2008 04:43 - Australia

Today, on a thirty minute commute to a job interview, I felt the urge to pee. When I got there, I politely asked the receptionist where the toilets were, and she told me to wait for someone to come show me. After another thirty minutes, someone turned up; the HR manager. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 343
You deserved it 2 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You sat and waited for 30 minutes? Don't be such a doormat in situations like that.

PaperxHearts_xox 0

You could've easily just asked "Excuse me, but could you show me where the bathrooms are before we start?" It would've been a lot easier than sitting through and interview needing to pee /:


You sat and waited for 30 minutes? Don't be such a doormat in situations like that.

Why is this an FML? Could you not have kindly asked the HR rep to show you the restrooms? Being in HR they probably would have liked to know that the staff left you holding your bladder for 30 minutes...

1. Don't say retarded. 2. Maybe she's never been in a work environment before and didn't know what HR meant. Give her a break.

biochills. you're a ****. shut up. she didn't know. -_-

I thought it was homeroom but isn't that for school not jobs? idk I'm only 13.

No she's not. Why is it that just because you have worked in an office before, suddenly EVERYONE has to know about office life. there have been like 3 comments on here that are antagonizing teens because they don't know what HR is. Seriously. Think it through.

In school it is Home room, but in an office it means human resources. they sometimes interview people, and they handle people's complaints, arguments and issues.

yeah. seriously people on this site are ***** sometimes.. i hate people who degrade others because they may not know something. its pathetic really.

If that's you in your profile picture you look to fat to be a 13 year old.

I know what HR means and I'm the same age. It's called common sense. I'm not saying that she's stupid for not knowing I'm just saying I see why people are confused why she doesn't know.

It stands for Human Resources. They're the people who basically interview you and hire you.

PaperxHearts_xox 0

You could've easily just asked "Excuse me, but could you show me where the bathrooms are before we start?" It would've been a lot easier than sitting through and interview needing to pee /:

you waited an hour to go pee. Wow. This is a sad story.

BamGirl_fml 0
Allison_H 0

*You're See what I did there?

happygoluckyhh 0

I agree with everyone above me! Why the hell would you wait THAT LONG? As someone mentioned, you could've stopped somewhere else.

happygoluckyhh 0

Also, I'm 12 and I knew that HR stands for Human Resorces.