By dinosaur - 08/02/2009 03:06 - United States

Today, my friend sent me a link about a nine year old kid who wrote an iPhone app that gets 2000 downloads per week. I am a 28 year old software developer and have been failing to write an iPhone app for months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 226
You deserved it 6 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lets all make an app together about beating the shit out of 9 year olds who can make iphone apps.


at least you can take solace in the fact that he's a ****** nerd and will never get laid. hopefully you have...

greenman? seriously you just called a nine year old a fagot with no chance of a future... seriously get away from your pc n go outside douchefag

What about bill gates and steven hawking? they are both nerds yet have kids.

Why has this comment not been moderated for this moron's use of the word '******'?!

Hey, don't worry OP, I played with that app for a week and it sucked badly.

really though that's the case 99% of the time. iphone apps are insane

Oh my god! He made Doodle Kids?! THAT'S MY FAVORITE APP!

necomni 0

I have that app! It's so cute~ XD Oh, umm, good luck with that.

Lets all make an app together about beating the shit out of 9 year olds who can make iphone apps.

*Geeks are the chick magnets these days* They are ;] I LIKE AN INTELLIGENT MAN.

basketballbabee 0

he's not Chinese. he's from singapore...

You do know the majority of Singapore's population is Chinese right?

caughtfire 0

Din din din din Ding Ding din din Ding!