By LeaveTheGuyAlone - 29/07/2013 00:18 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I found out that my girlfriend hasn't really been "researching" for work on the Internet; she's actually been tweeting the same pathetic plea to a guy from One Direction asking him to "follow" her. She's 29. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 471
You deserved it 5 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mpj13 8

I think your relationship is going in the wrong direction.

Sucks OP. it's probably just a phase, she'll get over it. (I Hope) make sure she eventually tries to get a job


Sucks OP. it's probably just a phase, she'll get over it. (I Hope) make sure she eventually tries to get a job

alexwow1 13
SmallyBigs 9

It doesn't look good. Your girlfriend seems to only be moving in one direction.

One direction. Down. Don't follow her there. Birds tweet up above ground, not underground

The only "phase" 29 year old girlfriends have is distracting you while the pole holes in condoms or swap their BC pills for sugar pills.

They poke holes*. Why is the edit feature gone on iPhone app? Spelling mistakes happen when you're drinking.

It's at the top right with a timer after you comment

my stepmum does this via my nine year old sister's twitter account. i think i know who's more pathetic here :/ also, #1's profile pic is scrummy :)

That's very rude of you Sailor. How can you generalize people like that?

cottoncandymango 17

Sounds like you two need to take a different direction in your relationship...

If she doesn't get over this, your relationship will be headed one direction straight to hell...

Kinda sad if you ask me but hey, to each their own!

Thats exactly what I thought. I really don't see how this is f***ing your life, OP, unless of course you are jealous of their non existant relationship. It's a bit sad, maybe, but all in all, not your problem. Unless you are willing to give up your liking for Megan Fox or Kate Upton.

mpj13 8

I think your relationship is going in the wrong direction.

peff_fml 6

Yet if a man is like this he is a creep.

monnanon 13

i can assure you that OPs girlfriend is still considered a creep. who does that sure i follow famous people i like on twitter but im not sure i have ever spoken to them on it never mind bombarded them with tweets.

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And another one is being sucked in, abort op before the ship crashes.

Thats kinda sad if you think about it but. Hopefully she gets a job

Don't you think she is way too old for that?

#13 You don't say, that's why he made an FML about it.