By Finesse7791 - 20/09/2009 12:28 - United States

Today, my friend called saying she was gathering all her girlfriends for a girl's night out. I was thrilled with the idea and started to think of something to wear. She then asked if I would mind watching her son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 920
You deserved it 2 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would let her know that you are not available. Apparently you are not one of her girlfriends so why should you do her a favour.

Oh that sucks. I have a "friend" who does the exact same thing. I just ignore it... just make sure she pays you what you are worth for babysitting... preferably more... :)


dick_gozinya_ 0

why does it keep showing me and some other guy as having first comment? It's alternating. Oh well.

Gavik 0

I noticed this as well. Either way, they'll get pissed off at another "first" comment :D

Have fun!! ^^ Lol. Sucks that you were left out. =(

Jollie 0

well at least your not the ugly chick they always bring the ugly chick

Awh, that just sucks. Maybe you should be like, uh hey what about me?

Don't do it! Screw that bitch, it's not like you're "girlfriends" anyway.

bobby222 0

YDI for jacking off to fatty ****.

Oh that sucks. I have a "friend" who does the exact same thing. I just ignore it... just make sure she pays you what you are worth for babysitting... preferably more... :)

teebonehead 0

Screw her tell you got plans that night.