Quid pro quo

By quarantine hell - 31/03/2020 17:00

Today, I called my sister and asked if she could watch my baby while I went to the store for desperately needed groceries and supplies. She refused, despite the fact that she's randomly dropped off her three rambunctious boys more times than I could count so she could go clubbing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 032
You deserved it 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd remind her of that nonsense, then tell her to get the hell over here if she ever wants you to watch her brats again.


Maybe you ought to start clubbing those boys when they get "rambunctious." Take your baby to the store. You might be able to barter it for toilet paper.

I'd remind her of that nonsense, then tell her to get the hell over here if she ever wants you to watch her brats again.

uuum... we don't know that the kids are brats....

Maybe we don't, but OP probably wouldn't need to call them rambunctious if they weren't a little bit bratty.

well it is isolation time you probably babysat for her before quarantine

Cooper201288 16

I highly doubt that you watched her kids while there were quarantine orders in place though.

Just "randomly" call CPS next time she decides to drop her kids off at your place.

Quarantine includes family. Take her with you.