By livay315 - 08/04/2009 20:08 - United States

Today, my daughter's school was putting on a fashion show for charity and all the kids were supposed to ask their mothers to be in it. I asked my daughter about it and she said, "Well, I was going to ask you, but they said to only "ask all of your beautiful mommies." FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 893
You deserved it 4 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

To be fair, I wouldn't want my mom in my school's fashion show either. :P

aww :( little kids are really stupid and mean sometimes though


poopypeepee 0

get un-ugly and stop bitchin you bitchin bitch faced bitch

dude chill with your reply u never know she prbly is pretty but her kid dont think so she has husband dont she so their u go

RolliePollie 5

aww :( little kids are really stupid and mean sometimes though

To be fair, I wouldn't want my mom in my school's fashion show either. :P

Well kids do say the darnedest things. Plus with all this karma stuff people keep talking about she will get your genes :)


Its funny how you say if the girl gets her moms genes it will be a punishment

kwbuzz23wk 0

if i see another FML about an adult upset by a young kid telling them something they do not wanna hear i am gonna scream. how are these still origional?

idk how they are 'original' :-) Grammar Nazis to the rescue!

alex_vik 0

So she's not even in the fashion industry and she's already got the perfect personality for someone in it. She's found her future job.

SVelasquez 0

This is one of those "honey, sometimes being brutally honest upsets people" teaching moments.

Wait a second... isn't this an old joke?