By Anonymous - 03/06/2011 23:16 - United States

Today, my fiancé nervously sat me down for a "serious chat". The chat wound up with him asking if we could postpone our wedding, because his World of Warcraft guild had a raid scheduled for the same day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 920
You deserved it 10 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Idonebeenhad 17

as far as I know, there is NOTHING in wow worth postponing a wedding for. Even if it was a world first deathwing. Yes, I'm a nerd Life>wow

Rico_Mal1116 0

Why would someone do that..? There is a time for fun and games and a time for life..


kkins 0

mans got his priorities straight

The game is onna the best and it's addicting, but its something people do in their spare time

Yes! For the win! You're fiancé makes me happy. You need to respect his wishes and either reschedule it sooner or later. Raids are important! :D

ReynshineCutting 10
xMissxMurderx 1

YDI for marrying such a loser.

Crazy4Christ 0
guyverfanboy 16

people need to get this straight: Fiance - male Fiancee - female

ReynshineCutting 10

at least u know he's committed!! lols

alwaysartistic 0

boys need video games like we need our tampons.

No, no really. Periods are something we really have no choice with. We have to have them. Playing a game is a choice. It is something within that person's control. It isn't something physical that just happens one day and that you must live with for many years. Plus, most people consider games fun. I have yet to meet a woman who gets enjoyment from their period.

alwaysartistic 0

yeah guys, i'm aware we get it once a month. but i was being sarcastic about how obsessed guys are with world of warcraft. no need to take it so literally -_____-

It's not guy thing dear, it is however a gamer thing.

yea, he's got commitment all right... but he probably should be committed.