By Username - 04/09/2010 13:24 - France

Today, my email got hacked and sent all my contacts something for Viagra. My husband thinks I really sent it to him on purpose and now won't even talk to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 166
You deserved it 3 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

What kind of man is he? If he thinks you want him to get Viagra, it means you want him to bone you more often -- where's the problem? If he's such a limp dick, a better way to go is to use a popsicle stick and duct tape. It's cheaper and no side effects for him, but you might get vaginal splinters.


lmfao whatever now you don't have to tell him OP

unless u got married at 9 years old that's a pretty inmatture husband u got there. just explain if he won't listen then just forget it he can't hold a grudge forever


that sucks. it's to bad that you can't EXPLAIN .

Op if someone sent it from your email, then it should be in your outbox that it was sent to everyone and that ought to be good enough to prove you weren't trying to insult him! ;)

tweetbaby14 18

wow OP did you marry a 5 year old?

Actually the same thing happened to me. But it wasn't an email I use.

Prodigy7 4

Yep, my account was spamming emails to my contacts too a while back.

"Today, my email got hacked and sent all my contacts something for Viagra. My husband thinks I really sent it to him on purpose and now won't even talk to me. FML" YDI.

LonelyLoser42 0

You'd think he'd be thankful you're trying to get things started in bed!

MadameJello 0

the same exact thing happened to my dad :s Viagra and everything :/

molly2moon 0

Same thing happened to someone who sends travel ball emails out. My ddad got one.

He's in denial I say, the first thing people do when they know they're wrong is shut you out, or try to

that same thing happened to my mom, seriously, it's called the boner virus

mona_is_here 10

If your husband hax no problems with sex life, he would hardly get offended. Maybe, he's having some troubles with his friend down there...

BillNyeTheUSspy 0

I just got the same email from my friend

dug44 0

viagra rocks.... tell him to shut up, and to stop being so self concious. jeeez

Just tell your husband that you don't care if he won't talk. You have 300 friends that had no problem with the email and seem open to the idea of taking Viagara, and you're sure you can get one of them to "talk" to you.

This same thing happened to me it sent it to my grandma and entire family. I just deleted my e-mail accunt and made a new one.