By FereldonBorn - 01/10/2015 10:41 - United States - Roseville

Today, my dog was all over me, and I couldn't help but notice she kept sniffing towards my boobs. Turns out, she wasn't there to get love from me. She was there for a piece of food that I didn't notice had fallen in my bra. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 475
You deserved it 4 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh come on. How come when a dog does it, it's normal, but when I do it, it's considered sexual harassment?


At least it didn't fall into your pants.

my friends dog sniffs there all the time, with anyone, male or female. it's annoying

When I would watch my neighbours kids the dogs would always do that and I hated it so much. It's the most obnoxious thing. They didn't properly train their dogs, so you can imagine what that was like... Especially for someone that already doesn't like dogs.

That reminds me of a friends badly trained dog. Every time you went to pick something up he'd try to mount you. Didn't matter if they were a guy or girl. He'd just want to mount you. Thank god for clothes. Haha.

I feel sorry for anybody that doesn't get this.

For any of you don't know what what #2 is talking about, it's from a Spongebob episode

ugh I thumbed your comment down while trying to thumb it up. Can't change it, FML team should change that.

I don't know what you expected, dogs aren't usually interested in the breasts of humans.

Oh come on. How come when a dog does it, it's normal, but when I do it, it's considered sexual harassment?

It'd be more of an FML if it was your boyfriend and not your dog!

maybe your dog read this very reliable research article that touching boobs makes you feel relax.... it's a dogs life

thank your dog for helping to avoid boob cheese