By FereldonBorn - 01/10/2015 10:41 - United States - Roseville

Today, my dog was all over me, and I couldn't help but notice she kept sniffing towards my boobs. Turns out, she wasn't there to get love from me. She was there for a piece of food that I didn't notice had fallen in my bra. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 470
You deserved it 4 083

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh come on. How come when a dog does it, it's normal, but when I do it, it's considered sexual harassment?


A dog will do anything for people food...go to any limit

Guessing from the username, your dog is also mabari? Either way, better to find it now rather than later.

It's just a good place to hold stuff

GamerPerson 19

Do I spy a Dragon Age player, OP?

Food is the only reason any of our pets love us lol

Maybe it put it there. Just remember, it could be worse: A putrid half-eaten hare is not something a woman wants to find in her unmentionables.

Don't worry, she made it up to me by giving me lots of kisses and cuddling with me while we watched American Horror Story x3 And yes! I am a HUGE Dragon Age fan :D I've played Origins around 12 times, DA2 around 8 and I'm on my 4th perfectionist playthrough, 6th overall, of Inquisition xD

Could have been worse..What if she started sniffing your boobs in front of your parents.. and they always tell you to get a boyfriend.. just saying..