By simple living - 29/04/2015 02:43 - United States - Austin

Today, my dog threw up on the tiled floor. I found out at 6 this morning in the dark when I slipped and fell in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 868
You deserved it 2 677

Same thing different taste

Top comments

From having many pets and going through the same type of experiences, I'm sorry op. Hope your dog is alright and doesn't do it again anytime soon.

91hayek 31

IT'S A SPEW-TIFUL MORNING! Sorry man, hope the dogs okay. I'd rather slip in spew than shit to be honest. Little mercies.


SydLovesLacey 18

Clean up the puke and yourself, go back to bed for the rest of the day because **** that shit!

it's a dog thing, they're stooges! just laugh at yourself, after you rip your clothes off & shower of course. but don't forget it's still there when you get out

usetheForceduh1 2

If it makes you feel better, I also just vomited from imagining that.

middlenamefrank 8

Hey, at least it's easy to clean up on the tile. My cat ALWAYS avoids any hard flooring and instead hurls on the carpet, right in the middle of the traffic pattern, and backs up as she hurls so it's just about the length of a human foot. It's impossible to avoid when you're stumbling to the bathroom at night, then it's much harder to clean up on the carpet than it would be on tile. You got lucky.

ImpracticalJoekr 9

I had a cat that was always getting sick because of a disease he had, and half the time it was clear bile crap. We had hardwood floors so it was really easy to miss until it was too late. I can't count how many times I've stepped in it, it was so gross.

Why are almost all of these comments thumbed down??:/

Why would anyone click "you deserved it"?