By Annie - 22/11/2009 22:07 - Mexico

Today, I noticed that my dog was feeling sad. I let him hop on my bed with me to make him feel better. It worked, right after he vomited all over my face and pillow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 670
You deserved it 6 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good lesson to remember: pets don't have purely psychological mood problems, at least not independently (they may react to the owner's good/bad mood and adopt the same mood, but they won't all of a sudden feel "the blues" when there is no external or physical reason for it). If your pet suddenly starts being sad or whiny, and nothing bad happened around him (wasn't yelled by the owner, bit by another dog, witnessed a fight between owners, etc.), that means there's an immediate physical problem (hungry, cold, in pain, nausea, etc.). Either way it won't be purely psychological. Trying to "cheer him up" without addressing that problem won't work, and can only lead to a result similarly to the one OP described.

Okie7123 0

When I'm sad, nothing makes me feel better than vomiting all over someone's face and pillow. Don't knock it till you try it ;)


popatia 0

where does it say he was a taco bell dog?

Good lesson to remember: pets don't have purely psychological mood problems, at least not independently (they may react to the owner's good/bad mood and adopt the same mood, but they won't all of a sudden feel "the blues" when there is no external or physical reason for it). If your pet suddenly starts being sad or whiny, and nothing bad happened around him (wasn't yelled by the owner, bit by another dog, witnessed a fight between owners, etc.), that means there's an immediate physical problem (hungry, cold, in pain, nausea, etc.). Either way it won't be purely psychological. Trying to "cheer him up" without addressing that problem won't work, and can only lead to a result similarly to the one OP described.

tab_ga1990 0

yes they do, that is why when another dog dies (their friend) some owners get worried because most dogs get depressed and stop eating because they are upset that their friend died what are you talking about they dont have psychological mood problems

"Despression" and "sadness" are human emotions. Animals lack sentience and higher coginitive functions, are incapable of emotions. Almost everything they do is based on instinct. It doesn't matter how much you wuv your wittle puppy, he can't love you back.

zippit09 0

Maybe you should look up sentience, since animals are most definitely sentient. As for emotions, I guess it depends how you define "emotion", but I don't think anyone can deny that animals display qualities that are at least similiar to human emotions, albeit perhaps less meaningful and felt to a lessrr extent.

Yeah I was curious if they knew how dumb that sounded stating that animals are not sentient, but I didn't care enough to get involved. Honestly I knew it would annoy me if I kept thinking about these posts because they are very dismissive of any emotional quality in animals. True animals do not have the wide variety of emotions that humans have but they do have a limited amount. For example, my dog is an Italian Greyhound. They are a breed that is known for being very needy, constantly wanting their owner or favorite persons's attention. If I am watching a television show instead of paying attention to him he MUST get my attention. He will bark, jump, run laps around the couch, climb into my lap to get me to pet him or hold him, whatever it takes. Not getting CONSTANT attention is not some kind of strange incident that he is not used to or that would be considered an environmental change, yet it causes him to act out. There is some kind of need in him to have that amount of attention to be pleased and to have a comfortable place in our family that he feels secure in. Granted it may not be emotions, but it sure does a damn good trick of looking like it!

That's just a bunch of nonsense, even turtles have feelings like depression and sadness it just wouldn't take them as long as we do to get over such feelings. A dog can have a bad day. @ the OP: couldn't you have forseen it when the dog was about to throw up?

I agree. My dog is going through a very depressive stage right now since I'm the one he's closest too and I'm not around as much since I have to travel to another city for university. We took him to the vet since he was so depressed, he didn't eat at all and wouldn't go out for walks, just sleeps all day and the vet prescribed me medication for his depression. Also once he lost someone close to him which was also quite devastating. Whoever said animals can't have emotion is wrong. Maybe not to the same degree as us, I'll agree with that, but they do have emotions! Also my sister had some cats once and one of her cats found himself a 'girlfriend' and they had kittens and so on and when she had to move, she took him with her, he dissapeared after a few days and she found out that he was miles away near the old house with his cat. I'd call that some form of love.

what exactly makes "depression" purely human emotions? Considering it's a neurotransmitter release within the brain, I really can't see how it could be a purely human emotion. Animals have neurotransmitters in their brains that cause these feelings just like everyone else. Maybe you should actually take/do well in your psychology class before you start spewing off.

Okie7123 0

When I'm sad, nothing makes me feel better than vomiting all over someone's face and pillow. Don't knock it till you try it ;)

:[ aww. well at least you know you did the right thing as an owner and try to help at first yes?


That's gross. This is why I never let dogs near my pillows, blankets, let alone on my bed. They stink, they drool all over the place, shed fur, and you never know when they're going to launch their stomach all over the place! My parents let their reckless, annoying little boxer sleep on their bed all the time. I hate relaxing on the bed because the blankets always stink and there are always places where there are weird crumbs from her chewing and having snacks on the bed and wiping her muddy, dirty paws all over. I'm never having dogs when I move out. I would say this is both a FYL and YDI.

You,sir, are a bitch. Wait, I'm sorry that would be calling you a female DOG!!! Instead let's call you bastard shall we? Okay, Bastard, you will never know the meaning of life until you realize the love of an animal. Dogs are supposed to be stinky and smelly and drool. That's what they do! It's all part of the fun of taking care of them. I know that when I wiped my (now deceased) Great Dane's drool from his mouth, he would look at me with so much love. You think a frikken boxer is bad!? Try sleeping with a 200 pound Great Dane in your bed. Then come talk to me. You get used to the hair. Dogs don't stink. Well atleast not to me. I've always kind of liked the way they smell. Dogs really don't stink when you give them a BATH! You can even use shampoo made especially to make your dog not stink. You think dogs are bad? Get a cat. They give you heart attacks all of the time and they shed worse than dogs! You think cats are bad? Get a bird. Then you'll never stop hearing SQUAWK all day. Plus, when that dog dies, you won't be able to stop crying because you say you hate it now but you'll love it when it's gone. Remember this, Bastard, as long as people like your ass live, people like me will be here to defend what we love.

confizzled 0

I concur. Have you EVER looked into your dogs eyes? They always have so much love for people, why can't you feel lthe same for them?

why the hell do you even have a dog then? and yes dogs will stink IF YOU DON'T BATHE THEM!!!!! how would you stink if you showered every month or so. Dogs shed, duhhhh. Not all dogs drool, so be aware of the breed you get. I feel for your dog, he deserves better than you!!!

CyclonePsycho 1

Um, patticake, pay attention to ROFLDOCTOR's post: her *PARENTS* own the dog, not her. She specifically said she's never getting dogs once she moves out. Frankly, I don't understand why you all can't let rofldoctor hate dogs in peace. It's not like she's skinning them every chance she gets. I'm not crazy about animals either. :| tigg3r, just take a deep breath, okay?

It's people like you two who put animals to extinction. How does it feel to know that animals are dying because of you?

Jordie210 0

by not loving animals, they are killing them? right. I for one hate animals. But I'm also severely allergic.

We are talking about pets here, like DOGS and CATS. Neither of which is close to extinction, in fact we have an over population of both of these types of animals. I myself am an animal lover and have several pets, but I never fault other's for not feeling the same way about them. People have a right to not be fond of something, rather it is a living thing or not. Hell I've met kids I can't stand, does that make me some kind of jerk who is causing children to go extinct? I think not. Get over yourselves and let people have their own likes and dislikes, you certainly aren't going to change anyone's mind by being a jerk to them anyhow.

I concur, ROFLDOCTOR. I, too, hate dogs. I LOVE cats; I have one of my own and currently have two dogs - sibling's dogs. Dogs stink, bark too much, drool too much and the worst one yet: They Require TOO MUCH attention!!

ew... well atleast he feels better, lmao!